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Τρίτη 11 Απριλίου 2023

Crete rocks to 4.4 magnitude earthquake


An earthquake occurred at 01:36 in the sea area 43 kilometers south-southeast of Zakros, in eastern Crete

A 4.4-magnitude earthquake, classified as “weak”, was recorded at 01:36 in the sea area 43 km south-southeast of Zakros, in eastern Crete (434 km south-east of the capital), announced the Geodynamic Institute of the National Observatory of of Athens.

Advice from the Fire Department in the event of an earthquake

Advice from the Fire Dept. on what to do in the event of an earthquake, both during and after it.

  • Analytically:
    When you feel an earthquake, immediately get under a desk or a very sturdy table. Stand away from windows, bookshelves, large mirrors and other heavy objects that can fall. Pay attention to the plasters and the various items on the ceiling (plaster decorations, etc.).
  • Remain covered until the vibration stops. If the furniture that protects you moves, try to follow it. Below you will find some additional tips in case you find yourself in certain areas
  • If you are in a TALL BUILDING and there is no desk or table near you, move towards the inner wall and protect your head with your hands.
  • Do not use the elevator. Don’t be surprised if the alarm or automatic sprinkler system goes off.
  • If you are outdoors, move away from trees, signs, buildings, power lines and utility poles.
  • If you are walking on a sidewalk near buildings, move toward the entrance of the nearest one, to protect yourself from the various objects that can fall, such as bricks, glass, plaster, etc.
  • If you are driving, stop on the side of the road. Avoid intersections, power lines and other sources of danger. Stay inside the vehicle until the vibration stops.
  • If you are in large, crowded stores or public gathering places, do not rush to the exits. Move away from shelves with objects that can fall.
  • If you are in a wheelchair, do not try to get up. Move to a safe place if possible, lock the wheels and protect the head with your hands. If you are in the kitchen, move away from the refrigerator, oven and high cabinets. If you are inside a stadium or theater, stay in your seat and protect your head with your hands. Do not attempt to escape before the vibration stops.
  • Avoid running towards the exits.